Core Counselling Concepts Course
Go beyond ‘doing’ into ‘being’.
Many EFT and NLP-based trainings give you tools. EFT Plus gives you not only a broader range of tools, but also the tool belt: a solid therapeutic frame comprising a deep theoretical and experiential understanding of the Being of both therapist and client; the confidence to navigate the ups and downs of the therapeutic relationship and a thorough, grounded grasp of the therapeutic process.
What is core Counselling Concepts?
The EFT Plus team take you on an experiential journey through the core concepts of counselling theory. Whatever is in your toolkit, whatever your model, whatever your experience, this Trilogy is the most beautiful grounding learning experience. With the exploration you do in this training you will feel empowered to develop a view of Self, The Relationship and the Process that will transform your practice.
Each of the three Concepts is explored over three sessions (one weekend day and two evenings) spanning a fortnight, allowing time for your personal process between sessions. This is an experiential series so be prepared to experiment, explore, be challenged, have fun and grow in a supportive group.
The Toolbelt
We like to think of the Core Counselling Concepts Trilogy as the tool belt that supports, holds and organises the tools you have already learned as a therapist, coach or helper. The tool belt is the ability to BE with the client not DO to the client and is made up of the therapist’s self-awareness and process of becoming (alongside the client’s), the Therapy Relationship and the Process.
When we have no tool belt our tools lay in disarray around our feet. We may pick up and offer whatever we feel might work for each individual issue a client brings. This might give both therapist and client some success or relief but there may be vital relational and process aspects missing.
Without the tool belt the client might feel unsafe, confused, lost, disempowered and dependent on the therapist. The client may not process between sessions, practise tools, understand why they are doing things, know where they are in the process or relationship. The therapist may also feel unsafe, confused, lacking in direction, under pressure to fix or anxious. Or the client and therapist may become stuck, play out patterns in the relationship and might either not recognise these or not know how to address them.
What can I expect of the Core Counselling Concepts Course?
In this experiential training you can expect to explore the following Core Counselling Concepts based in the Person-Centred Approach. In each area you will be supported and challenged to explore your own experience, understanding and view. You will not be expected to get to a final destination, but more to open up a journey, a process, that will fascinate and engage you as you continue on your path as a therapist.
By being able to reflect and discuss these areas confidently you will be able to engage with your clients on a deeper more relational level, help them to develop a more nuanced view of themselves, their process and the therapy relationship. Your mentoring/supervision sessions will be enriched by being able to consider these areas as rich and fertile ground for reflection.
Part One: The Self
Consider ways in which you can support your own process of self-development as you join this very experiential course.
Set your intentions for yourself and your practice.
Explore key questions around the ‘Self’ to help you understand Person-Centred theory of Self and how it fits with your own philosophy
Play with the concept of Configurations of Self and get to know your own configuration, check in with this throughout the course.Learn how we change and modify our self-concept in continual process and how we can facilitate our clients’ healthy process.
Reflect on how you most know yourself, come into contact with yourself and your own process of actualisation.
Understand the role of the therapist in the client’s process of becoming.
Consider how therapists use Self as a vessel for therapy.
Explore how we apply all this alongside our tools to help clients work through what they bring to therapy
Part Two: The Relationship
Learn the theory around the Person-Centred Core Conditions and the therapeutic relationship.
Explore the qualities of the transformational relationship between client and therapist through working experientially with the Person-Centred Core Conditions.
Understand and consider how (and whether) the Core Condition offer the necessary and sufficient relational factors which, if present in the relationship, make the client safe enough to move into the actualising process we explored in Part One.
Experience and explore the blocks that can interrupt the client/therapist relationship and consider how we can work with those therapeutically.
Feel confident to step back from needing to know what to do, and from any anxiety or pressure to ‘fix’.
Feel more ready to experience a more equal relationship with your client where you deepen trust in your client’s process and autonomy, moving to a place of Being with your client in a transformational relationship.
Bring your experiences of what can feel challenging in client relationships and explore how we might facilitate congruent discussions with the client to resolve these
Part Three: The Process
Discuss and explore the idea that we are always in process: In a process ourself (our own growth and self-concept) and in a relational process with our clients.
Build a framework of the therapeutic process including beginnings, middles and endings.
Gain the skills to facilitate regular conversations with your client about where you both think you are in the therapeutic process and understand the positive outcomes of this.
Understand that letting your client drift without reference to where you are in the process they may become lost, unsafe, confused, dependent or lose confidence in the work.
Learn how to facilitate beginnings: meeting the client, exploring the work, contracting and beginning the relationship.
Learn the skills involved in regular reviewing of the clients goals, process of self, the relationship.
Feel able to reflect yourself, with your supervisor/mentor and with your clients on the process and the relationship with a client.
Explore how to negotiate and navigate difficulties.
Reflect on how therapy comes to an end in your experience; exploring the many forms of ending.
Deepen your awareness of your relationship with endings and how that might impact the client.
Consider ways in which the relationship might not quite end; when the relationship is going to continue in some way, or you might have further contact with clients.
Learn ways to understand what might be happening if you struggle to let go of a client.
Plan and experience our own ending as a group.
Embed what you have learned from the whole course and commit to what you want to take forward into your own practice
On completion of the Core Counselling Concepts Course you will receive an attendance certificate confirming 36 hours of CPD.
When are the LIVE training dates?
The next dates for Core Counselling Concepts are:
Part 1 - The Self
13th September 2025 – 10 til 5
18th September 2025 6 til 9 pm
25th September 2025 6 til 9 pm
Part 2 - The Relationship
11th October 2025 10 til 5
16th October 2025 6 til 9
23rd October 2025 6 til 9
Part 3 - The Process
15th November 2025 10 til 5
20th November 2025 6 til 9
27th November 2025 6 til 9
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